In the News – December 2013

Lloyds Bank Using Service Virtualization to Cut Costs

Lloyds Bank’s use of service virtualization has helped it cut app development costs by reducing testing times and highlighting defects earlier so that they can be fixed less expensively.

The bank, which uses CA Technologies’ LISA service virtualization, told the CA Expo 13 conference in London how its DevOps team used the tool to help deliver major business changes – expanding its internet channel, developing its mobile proposition and optimizing business processes – more cost effectively.

“By delivering virtualized environments, we can do testing much quicker and cheaper than traditionally,” said Nick Stemp, principal lead architect at Lloyds Banking Group.


IBM Working on Cloud Data Center to Manage Natural Disaster Response

IBM Labs is working with students at a college in New York State to build software-defined networking (SDN) technology that will allow organizations to quickly reconfigure networks and move data and applications in the event of a natural disaster.

It is hoped the innovation could help prevent disruptions in voice and data communications services caused by hurricanes and other natural disasters.

The cloud-based rapid re-provisioning application, which would move data and applications, comes in response to last year’s Hurricane Sandy, which left many data center operators unable to move resources at short notice.


Video: What is Cloud Computing?

Traditional business applications and platforms are complicated and expensive. They need a data center, a complex software stack and a team of experts to run them.

This short video explains what Cloud Computing is and why it’s faster, lower cost and doesn’t eat up your valuable IT resources.

You can watch the full video from our friends at Salesforce here.

LogiGear Corporation

LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and offers public and corporate software-testing training programs worldwide through LogiGear University. LogiGear is a leader in the integration of test automation, offshore resources and US project management for fast and cost-effective results. Since 1994, LogiGear has worked with hundreds of companies from the Fortune 500 to early-stage startups, creating unique solutions to exactly meet their needs. With facilities in the US and Vietnam, LogiGear helps companies double their test coverage and improve software quality while reducing testing time and cutting costs.

For more information, contact Joe Hughes + 01 650.572.1400


LogiGear Corporation
LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and offers public and corporate software testing training programs worldwide through LogiGear University. LogiGear is a leader in the integration of test automation, offshore resources and US project management for fast, cost-effective results. Since 1994, LogiGear has worked with Fortune 500 companies to early-stage start-ups in, creating unique solutions to meet their clients’ needs. With facilities in the US and Viet Nam, LogiGear helps companies double their test coverage and improve software quality while reducing testing time and cutting costs.

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