Continuous Testing, Part 1

DevOps for Test Teams By Michael Hackett Now that Dev Teams have had a little time to settle into the Agile, the new wave of process optimization has

Halliburton’s Last Mile to Continuous Delivery

How Halliburton leveraged outsourcing to achieve their goals. Organizations are focusing on speed, both in Continuous Integration and rapid deployment

Cloud – Based Test Dev. 101

Throw away clunky hyper-visors, and stop thinking about computer hardware and software license during your development projects. The first thing you t

LogiGear Magazine – December 2013 – Testing in the Cloud

LogiGear Magazine – December 2013 – Cloud Testing

Make Design a Priority for Cloud Testing

Having the right skills and experience, even if you have to go outside, is essential for designing tests for large-scale cloud deployments. Moving exi

What Exactly Is ‘Cloud Testing’ Anyway?

Special considerations that should be applied to an application running in the cloud. Over the last weeks, I have found myself in several rather inten

Book Review: Testing Cloud Services: How to Test SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

The book is an incredibly effective and valuable guide that details the risks that arise when deploying cloud solutions. More importantly, it provides

SLAs and Cloud Testing

A test team’s job is to report test results, not set or guarantee that you will meet the SLAs. In the rush to cloud services, with everything-as-a-s

LogiGear Magazine – February 2013 – the Rapidly Changing Software Testing Landscape

LogiGear Magazine – February 2013 – The Rapidly Changing Software Testing Landscape