Expanding Usability Testing to Evaluate Complex Systems

When you think of usability testing, do you think about working with someone for an hour or two, watching and listening as they do a series of short, discrete scenarios where there is a clear ending or a correct answer for each scenario? For most of us that’s a typical usability test. It’s the type …

A Big and Complex Interview

For this interview, we talked to Greg Wester, Senior Member Technical Staff, Craig Jennings, Senior Director, Quality Engineering and Ritu Ganguly, QE Director at Salesforce. Salesforce.com is a cloud-based enterprise software company specializing in software as a service (SaaS). Best known for its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product, it was ranked number 27 in Fortune’s 100 …

The Seven Most Stunning Website Failures of 2011

Apica, a leading load testing and performance-monitoring provider for cloud and mobile applications, recently offered its list of the “Seven Most Stunning Website Failures of 2011.” “This year’s list proves that ongoing website failures and performance problems are costing companies lost revenues and damaged reputations. As you can see, even the biggest in the business …

More Just Isn’t More…

Most have probably heard the expression ‘less is more‘, or know of the ‘keep it simple and stupid‘ principle. These are general and well-accepted principles for design and architecture in general, and something that any software architect should aspire to. Similarly, Richard P. Gabriel (a major figure in the world of Lisp programming language, accomplished poet, and currently …

In the News – April 2012

At VISTACON 2011, Jane sat down with LogiGear Sr. VP, Michael Hackett, to discuss 24/7 complex systems. As an industry veteran with more than fifteen years of experience, Jane Fraser brought her expertise from the e-commerce and telecom industry to the online gaming world when she joined Pogo in 2004. In her role as QA …