Letter from the Editor

DevOps can be a big scary thing. Culture change, constant collaboration— whatever that means— a big new set of tools… it’s a lot. What most teams want is to have a smooth running software development pipeline. I have stopped using the phrase “DevOps,” and now I say “Continuous Delivery.” There are many reasons for this.

Mega Trends in Testing: Continuous Delivery, Production Line and the Deployment Pipeline

DevOps may be the next big buzzword, but Test teams really need to focus on its little sister, Continuous Delivery If you pay attention to trends in software development—from the perspective of what some sophisticated teams are doing, what articles and books are being written, to conference topics, you may have noticed the tools being …

Free Delivery: 5 Things Amazon Prime Taught Me About Deployment Automation

    Eric Minick is internationally recognized as a leading authority on continuous delivery and DevOps. Eric joined IBM four years ago with the acquisition of UrbanCode where he had worked as a developer, technical seller, and evangelist for a decade. Today, he has responsibility for leading the product management team overseeing continuous delivery solutions …

3 Ways to Get in Shape for Continuous Testing

Making the leap to CT is easier than you think— follow this guide to transform your testing process No pain, no gain! Achieving Continuous Testing shouldn’t take a “Hans and Franz” attitude. It should be painless, more like a natural progression from implementing certain practices over time.

Survey Results: Testing in Continuous Delivery

This survey takes an in-depth look at teams that practice DevOps and compares it to teams that don’t practice DevOps. For 2017, LogiGear is conducting a 4-part survey to assess the state of the software testing practice as it stands today. This is a 4-part series to mirror LogiGear Magazine’s issues this year.

Why Is Test Automation the Backbone of Continuous Delivery?

The path to continuous delivery leads through automation Software testing and verification needs a careful and diligent process of impersonating an end user, trying various usages and input scenarios, comparing and asserting expected behaviours. Directly, the words “careful and diligent” invoke the idea of letting a computer program do the job. Automating certain programmable aspects …