Letter from the Editor

Test automation is a big topic. There are so many different areas to talk about: tool choice, jumpstart, cross platform, services, cloud… Each of these areas have changed so much in the recent past that they could each be worth their own magazine issue.

Letter from the Editor

DevOps can be a big scary thing. Culture change, constant collaboration— whatever that means— a big new set of tools… it’s a lot. What most teams want is to have a smooth running software development pipeline. I have stopped using the phrase “DevOps,” and now I say “Continuous Delivery.” There are many reasons for this.

Letter from Editor – December 2016

Our plan for the December LogiGear Magazine was to have a forward-looking Trends and Challenges issue. However, whilst assembling our September issue on SMAC, we realized the momentum SMAC was gaining in the industry. We had a large amount of content on our hands from a range of excellent contributors. Thus, we decided to split …

Letter from the Editor – September 2014

I led the Editor’s Note in our very first mobile issue with “Everything is mobile”, but it is now way beyond what we thought. Mobile has come to mean only the smart phone, mobility is the word that describes everything a smart phone enables you to do. Mobility is more than a device! Mobility is …

Letter from the Editor – December 2012

In the November 2011 issue: Mobile Application Testing, I began my column with the statement, “Everything is mobile.” One year later the statement is even more true. More devices, more platforms, more diversity, more apps. It boggles the mind how fast the landscape changes. Blackberry has been kicked to the curb by cooler and slicker …

Letter from the Editor – September 2012

There has been a tectonic shift in software development tools in just the past few years. Agile practices and increasingly distributed teams have been significant factors but, in my opinion, the main reason is a new and more intense focus on tools for testing driven by more complex software and shorter development cycles. There have …

Letter from the Editor – July 2012

What is testing in Agile? It’s analogous to three blind men attempting to describe an elephant by the way it feels to them. Agile is difficult to define and everyone has their own perspective of what Agile is. When it comes to testing and Agile the rules are what you make them. Agile is ideas …