Leverage Automation to Make Mobile Testing Manageable

The most significant facet of mobile testing is understanding the mobile ecosystem. Mobile applications are growing in use and sophistication along with the speed of the networks and the increasing power of the devices. To be sure, mobile application testing can be done with minimal automation, but a high level of test automation will help …

Extending Test Automation to Mobile Applications

Organizations need to implement automated testing strategies designed specifically for mobile applications. Mobile device usage continues to gain momentum at increasing speed. Enterprises that delay mobile adoption face the danger of becoming competitively disadvantaged. But, before jumping in headlong, you need to be fully aware of the unique challenges that can arise when developing and implementing …

Glossary: Mobile Test Automation

Platform – A computing platform includes a hardware architecture and a software framework (including application frameworks), where the combination allows software, particularly application software, to run. Typical platforms include a computer architecture, operating system, programming languages, related user interface and tools. For example, Android, the most common mobile platform, is Google’s open and free software …

Do Testers Have to Write Code?

Do testers have to write code? For years, whenever someone asked me if I thought testers had to know how to write code, I’ve responded: “Of course not.” The way I see it, test automation is inherently a programming activity. Anyone tasked with automating tests should know how to program. But not all testers are …

Book Review – Happy About Global Software Test Automation: a Discussion of Software Testing for Executives

“Happy About Global Software Test Automation: A Discussion of Software Testing for Executives” Author: Hung Q. Nguyen, Michael Hackett, and Brent K. Whitlock Publisher: Happy About (August 1, 2006) Finally, a testing book for executives!, November 17, 2006 By Scott Barber “Chief Technologist, PerfTestPlus” Happy About Global Software Test Automation: A Discussion of Software Testing …

Agile Testing Part 1 – New Roles for Traditional Testers in Agile

Video narrated by MICHAEL HACKETT – Certified ScrumMaster This is Part One of a Four Part Video on “New Roles for Traditional Testers in Agile Development” Michael shares his thoughts on “A Primer – New Roles for Traditional Testers in Agile” LogiGear Corporation LogiGear Corporation LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and offers …