Tim Hinds

Tim Hinds is the Product Marketing Manager for NeoLoad at Neotys. He has a background in Agile software development, Scrum, Kanban, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Testing practices. Previously, Tim was Product Marketing Manager at AccuRev, a company acquired by Micro Focus, where he worked with software configuration management, issue tracking, Agile project management, continuous integration, workflow automation, and distributed version control systems.
Where Does QA Fit in DevOps?

Fitting QA into a modern DevOps group In a traditional software engineering organization, the QA group is often seen as separate from the Development

Cruise Control: Automation in Performance Testing

When it comes to performance testing, be smart about what and how you automate Listen closely to the background hum of any agile shop, and you’ll li

You Need a Mobile Testing Strategy

Whether Or Not You Have a Mobile App You’re walking down the street. You see something interesting, and you want to know more about it. What do you

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