Letter from the Editor – March 2015

I spend about half my work time in the role of a consultant assessing, auditing and examining software development team practices and processes for th

Letter from the Editor – December 2014

Every organization goes through times when the internal, or home team, cannot execute the testing project easily or quickly enough. The reasons are ma

Letter from the Editor – September 2014

I led the Editor’s Note in our very first mobile issue with “Everything is mobile”, but it is now way beyond what we thought. Mobile has come to

Letter from the Editor – August 2014

Testing Embedded systems and testing the Internet of Things could each have their own issue of LogiGear magazine. But these days they are referred to

Letter from the Editor – April 2014

Testing tools – very important, very often overlooked, and very often where mistakes are made. First, the most common mistake people make about

Letter from the Editor – February 2014

“Why do we need to understand a bunch of test methods? I write test cases from user stories or requirements, automate what I can and execute the res

Letter from the Editor – December 2013

If you are reading this issue, you are probably aware of the impact on the business world of cloud computing. Most people do not have a good grasp on

Letter from the Editor – September 2013

As fast as Mobile is growing, the platform is still immature and is evolving at a very rapid pace. While there are whole countries that have migrated

Letter from the Editor – July 2013

In our continuing effort to be the best source of information for keeping testers and test teams current, we have another issue to explore testing in