Editorial Calendar Announced We look forward to an exciting and full 2012 as its predecessor was a tough year for many in the software business. At LogiGear Magazine, we view 2012 as a brighter year filled with innovation and advancement. We will continue to bring you current articles and videos on the latest trends in ...
Lloyds Bank Using Service Virtualization to Cut Costs Lloyds Bank’s use of service virtualization has helped it cut app development costs by reducing testing times and highlighting defects earlier so that they can be fixed less expensively. The bank, which uses CA Technologies’ LISA service virtualization, told the CA Expo 13 conference in London how ...
VISTACON 2013 ANNOUNCED In 2011, LogiGear partnered with software testing experts from companies such as Microsoft and EA to create a unique conference – VISTACON. The conference featured numerous speakers, panels and even hands-on lab sessions with experts. The conference was so successful that we’re bringing it back again for 2013. Next year’s conference will ...
Video: Test Automation – 10 (sometimes painful) Lessons Learned Test Automation – 10 (sometimes painful) Lessons Learned by Dominik Dary & Michael Palotas, eBay International: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ0O8p5PajQ eBay’s European quality engineering team has broad experience implementing end-to-end test automation in different software development environments (agile, waterfall, co located , outsourced, distributed). This presentation illustrates the key ...
PNC Bank is Testing E-Ink CVV Shifting Credit Cards in 90-Day Trial To prevent credit card fraud, PNC Bank is testing out Dynamic CVV2 credit cards that are developed by VISA and Idemia. The cards will change their CVV (card verification value) every 60 minutes by implementing an algorithm supplied by VISA. PNC Bank will ...
Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre To Open With Emphasis On Security Testing And Training The South Australian government has invested just over $6 million USD into the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre (A3C), and it’s scheduled to open on July 1, 2020. “[It] will create a nation-leading cyber ecosystem in Australia that contributes to economic growth,” said ...
ACTION BASED TESTING TEMPLATE IS NOW AVAILABLE Action Based Testing (ABT) is an efficient method of test development that provides a systematic approach to avoid the significant issues that limit the success of automated testing. It is a great method for test development and to facilitate that LogiGear has developed an ABT template that provides ...
Chris Floyd Interview on Implementing Agile Development Michael Hackett sat down with FNC’s Chris Floyd to get his take on numerous Agile topics. Chris address some of the burning questions surrounding Agile, such as teams switching from waterfall to Agile, challenges and successes his team encountered after implementing Agile, and the path to becoming a ...
Google working to get Android under Control In an effort to take on the issue of fragmentation – one of the most vexing problems with Android – Google is negotiating deals with chipmakers, The Information reports. By working directly with chip partners who implement its designs, Google plans to create hardware that works seamlessly with ...
LOGIGEAR 2015 EDITORIAL CALENDAR LogiGear solicits content from new authors and QA and test engineers who would like to share their knowledge and expertise. We encourage the next generation of thinkers and practitioners in software quality and testing to get published! Articles can be original works or previously posted articles on blogs, websites or newsletters ...
Software Testing Market To Grow $45 Billion USD In 5 Years Rajesh Anaden is the founder of Ultranauts (formerly Ultra Testing), a Software Testing suite whose workforce consists primarily of individuals diagnosed with autism. Individuals with autism often face difficulty when seeking employment, despite meeting adequate requirements for the job. This innovative company recently received ...
Agile Testers Must Develop New Mindset: Janet Gregory Testers have a vital role to play in the agile world, but in order to do so, they need to develop a distinct mindset. Speaking at a workshop hosted by IndigoCube, Janet Gregory, a leading international expert in agile testing, outlined the characteristics of an agile tester. ...