8 Lessons Learned in Mobile App Testing

I’ve spent the last six months or so testing mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Here’s eight of my key lessons learned: Automated UI testing tools for mobile apps are immature: whilst tools like WebDriver for automated UI testing of web apps are very mature, automated UI testing of native mobile apps is the …

Top 10 Mobile App Testing Mistakes to Avoid

This article will cover 10 common mobile app testing mistakes to avoid when you are a software tester working in a mobile app testing and development environment. The 10 points may help you to start your mobile testing activities if you are new to mobile testing or they may help you to recap your existing mobile testing …

Letter from the Editor – September 2015

In every year since 2011, we have devoted one edition of our magazine to the topic of mobile testing. In this year’s issue on mobile, we focus on testing from the point of view of the user experience. Most teams start with UI testing, and it may seem basic — until you look at the …

Mobile Testing Is Mission Critical

Users aren’t likely to forgive and forget buggy apps. Mobile has big implications for business. The mobile experience is the customer experience, and you don’t get many second chances.

Unwrapping the Box

Strategies to Approach Mobile Web App Testing Mobile web technology has been continuously changing over the past few years, making “keeping up” challenging. In this article, Raj Subramanian covers the latest trends and changes happening in the mobile web and how testers can prepare for them.

A Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Application Testing

What you need to know to get started Introduction to mobile application testing Gone are the days when the telephone was an appliance that sat in a corner and had to ring to get our attention, or a computer was a machine only few people used — these devices are now an extension of our …

The Ins & Outs of Mobile App Testing

Removing the barriers to move and better mobile testing. Over the last decade, application testing has continually proved itself to be an important concern. When done well, testing can drastically reduce the number of bugs that make it into your release code (and thus actually affect your users). In addition, good testing approaches will help your …