TestArchitect Corner: Platform Variations

To adapt with the fast software delivery pace in today’s world, the same automation test suites should be able to run on a range of various platforms: different Operation System versions, different Application under test versions, different localization versions, etc. All while keeping the test development and maintenance effort at the minimum.

Top 10 Testing Trends for 2017

As our world continues its digital transformation with excitement in the advancement and convergence of so many technologies- from AI, machine learning, big data and analytics, to device mesh connectivity, nor should we forget VR and AR- 2017 promises to be a year that further transforms the way we work, play and take care of …

Fun & Games: Keep Training Lively

Training has to be fun. Simple as that. To inspire changed behaviors and adoption of new practices, training has to be interesting, motivating, stimulating and challenging. Training also has to be engaging enough to maintain interest, as trainers today are forced to compete with handheld mobile devices, interruptions from texting, email distractions, and people who think they …

Viet Nam’s Next Generation

Hong Mai has always been interested in computers since the beginning. She recalls having written her first script and thought it was amazing. “Writing a script and having it run successfully is a good feeling,” says Hong Mai. Hong Mai’s parents were high school teachers but have since retired. It was certain that their two …

Vipul Gupta

Software Testing to Software Engineering According to analysts, the growing dependence on software testing to improve product quality is resulting in greater IT budgets getting allocated to the testing activity. In fact, it is being suggested that in the years ahead, software testing will make up nearly 20-25 percent of the software budget. Forrester Research …

Video: International Conference on Global Software Engineering

International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2011 “What is the most important issue to resolve in the GSE?” LogiGear Corporation LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and offers public and corporate software-testing training programs worldwide through LogiGear University. LogiGear is a leader in the integration of test automation, offshore resources and US project …