Article: International Conference on Global Software Engineering

A conference on Global Software Engineering: University researchers and Industry experts get together to compare findings and work toward solutions. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2011 ( is organized by the world’s largest association for the advancement of technology. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners interested in exploring how globally …

New LogiGear Training Course: Working with Offshore Test Teams

Description: This two-day course focuses on developing a strategic approach to distributed test project management, effective communication, bug-database management and metrics, resource evaluation, and successful test execution, as well as many of the “soft” skills needed to lead and manage offshore teams. Implementation and use of test management tools and documentation will also be covered. …

Global Software Test Automation: a Discussion of Software Testing for Executives

Authors: Hung Q. Nguyen, Michael Hackett, Brent K. Whitlock Paperback: 164 pages Publisher: Happy About (August 1, 2006) Language: English Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.1 x 0.5 inches “Software is complex but I’m tired of finding bug after bug that a 5th grader would have turned in. Virtually every technical product these days includes a …

Building Babel

How can IT offshore outsourcing vendors in countries such as India gain knowledge of their western clients such that they become able to work more effectively for the benefit of their clients? This question lies at the heart of offshore outsourcing, but it is one that is often misunderstood.

Important Lessons Learned in 10 Years of Offshoring

In 2000, offshoring was not a new concept as many large companies had already been offshoring and outsourcing for over a decade. What did change, in the past 10 years was how many companies began outsourcing and how many development tasks were being distributed. It was not only Texas Instrument and Microsoft sized companies distributing …

Testing in Agile Part 4: Skills /Training

SKILLS Agile teams need training! One of the missing links in the implementation of Agile development methods is the lack of training for teams. I noticed in our recent survey on Agile that only 47% of the respondents answered “Yes” that they had been trained in the Agile development process, with over half responding “No.” …

Testing in Agile Part 2 – Agile Is About People

If your Agile implementation is not about people, you’ve missed the boat! The most profound impact to becoming more Agile is happier teams! Agile manifesto Value #1: * Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Words like these do not show up in Waterfall or RUP SDLC process descriptions. Agile cannot get more basic than …

Testing in Agile Part 1 – Introduction to Agile

Testing in Agile Part 1 – INTRODUCTION TO AGILE In case you missed the first part of the series in our last magazine issue from Michael Hackett, Agile’s impact on software development teams is huge. For test teams it can be even more pronounced — and good, especially if your existing projects have been problematic.