TestArchitect Corner: Automated Web Testing with WebDriver Using TestArchitect

Learn how to leverage TestArchitect and Selenium for turnkey, Automated Web testing. TestArchitect lets you create, manage, and run web-based automated tests on different types of browsers—using either a WebDriver or non-WebDriver technique. In this article, we will explore employing WebDriver for testing a web-based application with TestArchitect. TestArchitect with WebDriver is a tool for automating …

Dockerize your TestArchitect tests

Run your TestArchitect API and headless browser tests inside Docker containers as easy as flipping a switch Docker is a virtualization platform enabling you to create containers – mini virtual machines— which have their own predefined environment, including file system, libraries and settings. Best of all, these light-weight images eat up only a few megabytes …

TestArchitect Corner: Codeless API Testing

API testing has long been misunderstood as well-confined in the territory of developers. It’s natural to think that we must write code to test our code. However, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Business testers who have deep domain knowledge are now able to take on the challenges of API testing without coding. …

TestArchitect Corner: Platform Variations

To adapt with the fast software delivery pace in today’s world, the same automation test suites should be able to run on a range of various platforms: different Operation System versions, different Application under test versions, different localization versions, etc. All while keeping the test development and maintenance effort at the minimum.

TestArchitect Corner: Leverage Mobile Testing with TestArchitect

Mobile usage today is not just a trend but it is an essential shift in how people communicate with each other, interact with the world, and do business. According to a ComScore, in 2014 the number of mobile users surpassed the number of computer users and is showing strong growth over time, towards some point in …

Halliburton’s Last Mile to Continuous Delivery

How Halliburton leveraged outsourcing to achieve their goals. Organizations are focusing on speed, both in Continuous Integration and rapid deployment as a competitive advantage. Many software development organizations can significantly shorten development cycles by implementing one or a combination of Agile practices, continuous integration & deployment methods, and feature branches. While these frameworks and techniques …

TestArchitect™ – Automation Toolset

TestArchitect TM is the name we have given to our automation toolset. It reflects the vision that automated testing requires a well-designed architectural plan allowing technical and non-technical elements to work fluidly in their capacity. It also addresses the continual missing link of all test automation tools of how to design tests. In TestArchitect the test …