VISTACON 2010 Keynote – the Future of Testing by BJ Rollison

VISTACON 2010 – Keynote: The future of testing THE FUTURE OF TESTING BJ Rollison – Test Architect at Microsoft VISTACON 2010 – Keynote   BJ Rollison, Software Test Architect for Microsoft. Mr. Rollison started working for Microsoft in 1994, becoming one of the leading experts of test architecture and execution at Microsoft. He also teaches …

Measuring Test Automation Return on Investment

Source: From I.M.Testy (BJ Rollison’s blog) I just finished reading Implementing Automated Software Testing by E.Dustin, T. Garrett, and B. Gauf and overall this is a good read providing some well thought out arguments for beginning an automation project, and provides strategic perspectives to manage a test automation project. The first chapter made several excellent …

2010 – 2011 LogiGear Global Testing Survey Results – Test Methods

METHODS M1. The test cases for your effort are based primarily on: Response percent Response count Requirements documents 61.3% 46 Discussions with users on expected use 2.7% 2 Discussions with product, business analysts, and marketing representatives 9.3% 7 Technical documents 4% 3 Discussions with developers 8% 6 My experience and subject or technical expertise 12% …

2010 – 2011 LogiGear Global Testing Survey Results – Tools

TOOLS T1. What testing-support tools do you use? (Please check all that apply.) Response percent Response count Bug tracking/issue tracking/defect tracking 87.70% 64 Source control 54.80% 40 Automation tool interface (to manage and run, not write automated tests) 52.10% 38 Test case manager 50.70% 37 Change request/change management/change control system 47.90% 35 A full ALM …

2010 – 2011 LogiGear Global Testing Survey Results – the Politics of Testing

Few people like to admit team dynamics and project politics will interfere with successful completion of a software development project. But the more projects you work on, the more you realize it’s very rare that technology problems get in the way. It’s always the people, project, planning, respect, communications issues that hurt development teams the …

How to Measure Testing Success

Introduction All too often, senior management judges Software Testing success through the lens of potential cost savings. Test Automation and outsourcing are looked at as simple methods to reduce the costs of Software Testing; but, the sad truth is that simply automating or offshoring for the sake of automating or offshoring will only yield poor …