Agile ALM and the Tools to Practice It

Armed with the right tool or set of tools, a development team can incorporate ALM into its Agile process and start reaping the benefits of Agile ALM. As the software development industry matures, it is devising methods for ushering products from inception to completion—a process that has come to be known by the buzzword ALM …

Automation Testing Tools in Full View

In order to make the right choices among tools, you must be able to classify them. Otherwise, any choice would be at best haphazard. Without functioning classification, you would not be able to understand new tools fast, nor come up with ideas of using, or creating new tools.

Elfriede Dustin Sharing Her Interest in Automated Testing

Elfriede Dustin of Innovative Defense Technology, is the author of various books including Automated Software Testing, Quality Web Systems, and her latest book Effective Software Testing. Dustin discusses her views on test design, scaling automation and the current state of test automation tools. LogiGear: With Test Design being an important ingredient to successful test automation, …