LogiGear Magazine – July 2012 – Testing in Agile

LogiGear Magazine July 2012 Testing in Agile


LogiGear Corporation
LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and offers public and corporate software testing training programs worldwide through LogiGear University. LogiGear is a leader in the integration of test automation, offshore resources and US project management for fast, cost-effective results. Since 1994, LogiGear has worked with Fortune 500 companies to early-stage start-ups in, creating unique solutions to meet their clients’ needs. With facilities in the US and Viet Nam, LogiGear helps companies double their test coverage and improve software quality while reducing testing time and cutting costs.

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Mark Levison has over twenty years experience in the IT industry, working as a developer, manager, technical lead, architect, and consultant. He discovered Agile in 2001 and is now a Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach with Agile Pain Relief Consulting. Levison has introduced Scrum, Lean and other Agile methods to a number of organizations and coaches from ...
Author Jonathan Rasmusson explains in his latest book how to successfully set-up, execute and deliver Agile projects. Download the excerpt below for “Chapter 7: Estimation The Fine Art of Guessing.” To read his interview in last month’s issue, please click on “Spotlight Interview: Jonathan Rasmusson” to read his views on the best practices for test ...
Video narrated by MICHAEL HACKETT – Certified ScrumMaster This is Part Two Continued of a Four Part Video on “New Roles for Traditional Testers in Agile Development” Michael shares his thoughts on “A Primer – New Roles for Traditional Testers in Agile” LogiGear Corporation LogiGear Corporation LogiGear Corporation provides global solutions for software testing, and ...
Build the right test platform including infrastructure, virtual lab and process. Testing embedded software is both similar and dissimilar to application software testing. The first eye-catching thing is that embedded software is significantly less visible to the end user. User interfaces are limited; there may be a console-based text menu, a simple command line interface, ...
Author of The Agile Warrior, Rasmusson answers questions from LogiGear’s testing staff about test automation in agile projects.
Armed with the right tool or set of tools, a development team can incorporate ALM into its Agile process and start reaping the benefits of Agile ALM. As the software development industry matures, it is devising methods for ushering products from inception to completion—a process that has come to be known by the buzzword ALM ...
Application development and delivery teams are under constant pressure to release quality features as quickly as possible. CIOs rate delivering applications faster, with higher quality and with strong control on application development as their key priorities. What’s more, supporting this type of agile environment is particularly complex to IT teams that are also tasked with supporting ...
I have worked with testers on an Agile team before and it has worked very well for both the team and the customer. In my previous role at Bank of Ireland, testers who had come from a traditional testing background worked within our teams to help ensure we had quality deliverables at the end of ...
Michael Hackett sat down with FNC’s Chris Floyd to get his take on numerous Agile topics.
“Agile is to software development what poetry is to literature. It is very difficult to do well, very easy to do poorly, and most people don’t understand why a good poem is good and a bad poem isn’t…” – from the web
The No-Nonsense Guide for How to Write Smarter and Low Maintenance Test Cases Test design is a phrase that is often used when planning testing and test efforts, but I do not believe it is well understood. Also, opinions vary widely about the importance of test design ranging from irrelevant to the crucial ingredient for ...
As CTO of Xebia and highly experienced in offshore testing in India, Guido articulates his methods in addressing common challenges faced by the in-house and offshore teams. He weighs heavily on strategic tactics as well as key cultural aspects to execute efficient and effective Agile methods. 1. I work at a US-based company and we ...

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