Video Series: Testing in DevOps & Continuous Testing

If you haven’t already caught a glimpse, we announced in January the Testing in DevOps and Continuous Testing videos series, available on YouTube!

Who Cares About Test Plans? You Should!

Test plans have a bad reputation, and perhaps, they deserve it! There’s no beating around the bush. But times have changed. Systems are no long

Letter from the Editor

I remember the times when test teams sat in their own area and we were not allowed to “bother” developers.

Leader’s Pulse: Part 2: Managing the Knowledge Worker

Michael Hackett   Michael is a co-founder of LogiGear Corporation, and has over two decades of experience in software engineering in banking, securit

Survey Results: Testing Essentials

For 2017 LogiGear is conducting a 4-part survey to assess the state of the software testing practice as it stands today. This is not the first survey

Leader’s Pulse: Managing the Knowledge Worker

Michael Hackett   Michael is a co-founder of LogiGear Corporation, and has over two decades of experience in software engineering in banking, securit

Letter from the Editor

This is our first Trends issue in our 10- year history. Trends are important to help foresee what is on the horizon and coming next.

Keep an Eye on Agile in 2017

Keeping an eye on the horizon in the testing world is an important part of staying in the game. Hans is no stranger to looking to the future with eyes

Hot Off The Press! 5 DevOps Videos

LogiGear University announces the launch of a new, free video series on Testing in DevOps and Continuous Testing which is available today.