Continuous Testing, Part 1

DevOps for Test Teams By Michael Hackett Now that Dev Teams have had a little time to settle into the Agile, the new wave of process optimization has

Letter from the Editor – December 2015

Every year, LogiGear Magazine devotes one full issue to Test Automation. We could do more than one, and perhaps even that would not be enough. The pro

Get Automated Testing “Done”

How to fit automated testing into scrum, and keep testers in sync with other teams One of the benefits of the approaches of agile projects is their f

You Need a Mobile Testing Strategy

Whether Or Not You Have a Mobile App You’re walking down the street. You see something interesting, and you want to know more about it. What do you

Solutions for Testing Web Services

An overview of web service testing solutions for traditional or non-technical testers. Much has been written on the technical execution of API tests,

The Special Case of Social APIs

Social APIs are omnipresent and create special cases for testing. If you understand API testing, especially web service type APIs, testing social APIs

BDD and ABT: Game Changing Test Methods

Two powerful test methods for fast-paced development organizations As development teams have been pushed faster and into tighter scrum sprints, testin

Letter from the Editor – March 2015

I spend about half my work time in the role of a consultant assessing, auditing and examining software development team practices and processes for th

Halliburton’s Last Mile to Continuous Delivery

How Halliburton leveraged outsourcing to achieve their goals. Organizations are focusing on speed, both in Continuous Integration and rapid deployment