The Changing Landscape of Software Testing

Introduction Everything changes. It’s the only constant. The landscape of software testing is undergoing a fast and dramatic change driven by societ

Agile ALM and the Tools to Practice It

Armed with the right tool or set of tools, a development team can incorporate ALM into its Agile process and start reaping the benefits of Agile ALM.

A Look Inside the Agile Toolbox: 10 Top ALM Tools

The pervasive use of Agile methodologies has changed the way that development teams work. With this change, new tools and vendors have entered the tra

Letter from the Editor – September 2012

There has been a tectonic shift in software development tools in just the past few years. Agile practices and increasingly distributed teams have been

Disciplined Agile Testing

There is a multitude of Agile testing techniques that are quite sophisticated. The DAD process can help guide your process of tailoring decisions. Agi

Agile Testing and the Need for Speed

Agile, in terms of software development, has incorrectly and for too long come to mean fast and “getting product out the door quicker.” But Agile

Ten Tips for Agile Testing

This article presents ten tips for Agile testing based on our experience. However, don’t expect to find the perfect test approach for your company o

Agile Methods and Software Testing

Agile methods were developed as a response to the issues that waterfall and V-model methodologies had with defining requirements and delivering a prod

Agile Testing: Key Points for Unlearning

When quality assurance teams and management who have adopted Agile practices first put the ideas to work, they face a significant impediment in unlear