Android Application Testing Guide

Testing appears to be the least popular topic in Android development circles based on the relatively few books on Android app testing. Most tend to focus on development because, unfortunately (but true), application testing isn’t be something most developers think much about, or if they do, they don’t do it systematically (I’m guilty of this …

Continuous Integration in .Net

Times have changed, the tools have improved, and with books like this available you have no reason to not give CI a go. I still remember the first time I was on a project that used NAnt and CruiseControl.NET. It was years ago and both were new tools with plenty of bugs. The project manager …

Clean Code: a Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Writing code that is easy to read and easy to test is difficult to achieve. The fact that poorly written code can function often leads to coding practices that are effective but not necessarily efficient. Too often, many programmers fresh out of school write code in the manner that was effective for passing their courses, but contains …

Book Review: How We Test at Microsoft

I’ve been intending to write a book review of How We Test Software At Microsoft, by Alan Page, Ken Johnston, and Bj Rollison, but for whatever reason I just never found the time, until now. In general, I like this book a lot. It’s a nice blend of the tactical and the strategic, of the …