Survey Results: Test Automation

Find out how you compare to others in our survey results Test Automation is the topic of the third survey in our State of Software Testing Survey Series. This survey covers skills, tools, benefits, and problem areas of test automation.

Survey Results: Testing in Continuous Delivery

This survey takes an in-depth look at teams that practice DevOps and compares it to teams that don’t practice DevOps. For 2017, LogiGear is conducting a 4-part survey to assess the state of the software testing practice as it stands today. This is a 4-part series to mirror LogiGear Magazine’s issues this year.

Survey Results: Testing Essentials

For 2017 LogiGear is conducting a 4-part survey to assess the state of the software testing practice as it stands today. This is not the first survey that we’ve launched; LogiGear conducted one very large state of the practice testing survey in 2008. It was much larger, with over 100 questions. Nearly a decade later, …