TestArchitect Corner: Greetings from Gondola!

We’re excited to share with you the latest and greatest features of TestArchitect Gondola, as well as how to use them. So, check them out below!

LogiGear Magazine's December 2020 TestArchitect Corner: Greetings from Gondola!

Gondola Studio UI/UX Improvements
Gondola Studio’s new Test Execution Dialog makes it easy to configure and run your test. You can choose the browser or device you’d like to run your test on and select which test cases you’d like to run.

New Gondola In-App Assistant
The In-App Assistant guides you through getting started with Gondola right after installing the Gondola Studio extension without consulting Gondola Docs, from compiling and executing tests to reviewing test results.
Moving forward, the In-App Assistant will continuously improve look-and-feel and assist you in becoming productive with more types of Gondola projects.

Web Test Builder
Record actions from your browser directly into Gondola. Gondola Studio and the newly minted TestArchitect Web Recorder now support recording the following actions:
– navigate (on startup)
– wait for property – check control property
– wait for element – wait for – element disappear
– check control exist – check control – not exist
– check window exist
– click – right click – double click
– enter – type
– set checkbox – set radio button
– select combobox
– switch frame

Gondola Framework
Gondola Framework is significantly more stable thanks to the improved Smart Wait feature that works across interactive keywords like mouse/touch events, enter keyboard/full-field, and checkpoint keywords related to the element locators.

Focus Your Energy on Automating More Tests, Not Technical Hassles

Because Gondola is easy to use, you are free to focus on what you love: automating more tests. Try Gondola for free today!

TestArchitect Support Team
We are the TestArchitect Support team who will help you achieve Automation success. Creating a few dozen automated test cases is easy. Maintaining them overtime while scaling your test suite to thousands of tests is not. It needs the right mix of tools, methods, and expertise.

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